Understand Why Bongs Get You Higher in Vancouver

Understand Why Bongs Get You Higher in Vancouver

You know what we are talking about if you ever had a crazy bong session. There is no doubt that bongs get you higher than other methods of consuming cannabis. But why is that? Let us explain!

When you smoke a joint, for example, burning marijuana releases around 115 compounds, including THC. However, only 20-30% of those make it to your lungs and eventually to your bloodstream.

Now, compare that to bongs. When you hit a bong, the water inside gets filtered, leaving you with a much cleaner hit. But more importantly, it cools down the smoke before it enters your lungs. It is the easiest explanation for why bongs get you higher. But there is certainly more to it, and we are here for you.

This blog will help you understand why bongs get you higher by diving deep into some facts. We will also compare bongs with different smoking methods so that you can make an informed decision about your next smoking session.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What are bongs, and how do they work?

Bongs are water pipes that are used to smoke cannabis. They have a bowl where you put your weed and a stem into a water-filled chamber. The water cools down the smoke before reaching your lungs, making it a smoother hit.

When you light up your bowl and take a hit, the smoke travels through the water and into the chamber. From there, it goes up the stem and into your lungs. The entire process is pretty straightforward.

Now that we have almost covered the basics let’s move on to the main topic of this blog – why bongs get you higher.

The science of why bongs get you higher

As we mentioned, bongs get you higher because they cool down the smoke before entering your lungs. This is important because you can inhale more of the smoke without irritating your throat and lungs when the smoke is cooler.

Inhaling hot smoke can cause coughing and irritation, which limits how much smoke you can take in. On the other hand, cooler smoke is much easier on your throat and lungs, allowing you to take bigger hits. And as we all are familiar of, bigger hits mean more THC enters your system, which gets you higher. The power of a bong will always overpower that of a joint.

Another reason bongs get you higher is that they filter out some of the carcinogens and other harmful compounds in smoke. When you hit a bong, the water filters out these harmful compounds, leaving you with a cleaner hit.

Here is how to choose the right bong for you

Now that you know all there is to know about bongs, it’s time to choose the right one for you. Here are a few simple things to keep in your mind when shopping for a bong:

  • Decide the material you want your bong to be made out of. The most popular materials are glass, plastic, and ceramic.
  • Choose the right size for you. Bongs come in many shapes and sizes, so make sure to pick one that is comfortable for you to use.
  • Pick a bong with the right features. Some bongs have percolators, diffusers, or ice catchers, which can enhance your smoking experience.

If you keep these things in your mind, you will surely find the perfect bong for your needs.

The best places in Vancouver to buy bongs

Shoprite Smoke Shop in Vancouver is one of the most trusted online headshop. We offer a wide range of smoking products and accessories, including bongs. Whether you are looking for a simple glass bong or something more complex, we got everything.

Since it’s online, you can assume that all your shopping will be virtual and done in the comforts of your homes. No need to dress up, put on makeup, and drive to a store far away. You can shop for bongs anytime, anywhere.

How to use a bong properly

The best part about smoking a bong lies in the secret of smoking it the right way. It may sound like something out of the box, but we are guessing you already know. No! It’s not holding the smoke for longer, it is most likely to cause irritation, and it may reduce the whole meaning of smoking for you. Just doing the normal stuff will get you there. All you need is to inhale properly and exhale when you feel like you should. Flow with your body, and you will be just fine.

It is also about the right way to set it up. Let’s help you with that:

Your first step is to fill your bong with water, ensuring the stem is submerged. The amount of water you use will depend on the size of your bong. Next, add your weed to the bowl and pack it tight. Once the bowl is packed, put your lips on the mouthpiece and light the weed.

As you inhale it, the smoke travels through the water and into the chamber. From there, it will go up the stem and into your lungs. The entire process is pretty straightforward.

Bong vs Pipe – Which is better?

The debate between bongs and pipes has been around for many years. There are some pros and cons to both smoking methods, so it comes down to personal preference. Here are a few simple things for you to consider when making your decision:

  • Bongs offer a smoother smoking experience because the smoke is filtered through water.
  • Pipes are typically smaller and more portable than bongs.
  • Bongs can be more expensive than pipes.
  • Pipes are easier to clean than bongs.

Ultimately, the decision of which is better – bongs or pipes – comes down to personal preference. Try out both options and decide which one you like the most.

Bong etiquette – what not to do when using a bong

Now that you understood how to use a bong, it’s important to know the etiquette of bong usage. Here are a few important etiquettes to keep in mind when using a bong:

  • Don’t touch the bowl while it’s hot. The bong bowl can get very hot, so be careful not to touch it while it’s in use.
  • Don’t put your mouth on the bong. This is a surefire way to get germs and bacteria on your bong.
  • Don’t put your lips on the mouthpiece. This is another way to spread germs and bacteria.
  • Don’t share your bong with others. Not only is this unsanitary, but it can also spread diseases.

Why do bongs get you higher? Now you know the answer. Following these simple etiquette rules can help keep your bong clean and safe to use. You may also want to read: Here Is How To Save Weed And Your Money In Vancouver?

Final Thoughts

The main reason why bongs get you higher is that they offer a smoother smoking experience. The smoke gets filtered through water, which makes it less harsh on your lungs. Additionally, bongs can hold more weed than pipes, so you can smoke more at once. Finally, bongs are typically larger than pipes, offering a bigger hit. If you find these tips somewhat helpful, do share them with your friends. If you are searching for a high-end online headshop, contact us today.