Bubbler Pipes

Shop Rite Is Offering Bubbler Pipes in a Great Variety to Smokers in Canada

If you add the characteristics of a water pipe and a bong, then the resulting instrument will be called a ‘bubbler pipe’. Bubbler pipe features a bowl, stem, mouthpiece, and water chamber very much like a bong. At Shop Rite, you will uncover the very best water (bubbler) pipes.

We are a one-stop-shop for smokers in Canada when it comes to getting one hands on a bubbler pipe. The good thing about buying pipes from our store is that they are rightly and affordably-priced.

We have satisfied myriads of customers with our water pipes. We are offering, glass-hammer, elephant, and leaf bubbler pipes to smokers with pride. So if you are in pursuit of a particular category bubbler pipe, then you should pay a visit to our store.

Things to Consider While Choosing a Bubbler Pipe

The most important thing that you need to look while buying a bubbler pipe is that you look at the glass type, of which it is made up of. The right pipe should be durable and high-heat tolerant. If you are tight on a budget, then you should purchase a bubbler pipe that is, cheaply priced. Whether you buy a glass or wooden pipe, it should be based on your preference in line with the characteristics of a bubbler pipe.

How to Smoke a Bubbler Pipe?

Here is our step-by-step guide for you so that you can smoke a bubbler pipe like a pro (professional):

Step 1: First, fill your bubbler with water. We recommend that you fill it with the aid of a bowl.

Step 2: Makes sure that enough water goes into the bubbler. So fill the bubbler until half of the stem is submerged.

Step 3: Grind up some weed and pack it on the bowl.

Step 4: If your bubbler has a carb, then cover it with a finger and put your mouth over the mouthpiece.

Step 5: Light up the weed, now draw the smoke smoothly and inhale.

Step 6: Exhale as normally and enjoy the show.

Benefits of Smoking a Bubbler

  • A bubbler falls in between a bong and a water pipe.
  • A bubbler is easier to transport from one place to another.
  • You will enjoy smoking if you utilize a bubbler.
  • Bubbler pipes come in a variety of beautiful designs.
  • If you are a novice smoker, then you should try a bubbler, before you try smoking a bong.