Convertible dab rigs or convertible bongs are devices that one can equip with a dab nail. If you are in the hunt for convertible oil rigs, then you need to look nowhere else than Shop Rite. We offer the best convertible bongs to smokers.
We are well-recognized in Canada for satisfying thousands of customers with our high-quality bongs. The best part of buying bongs from our store is that they are affordably priced. So smokers can trust us without a question to get their hands on highly functional convertible water pipes.
Many smokers recommend our shop for buying smoking equipment, such as dab rigs, pipes, hookah, and others. In our store, smokers will uncover the finest collection of convertible bongs with rates that are much cheaper than our competitors.
If a bong is convertible, then you cannot question its durability. Convertible dab rigs or bongs should be convenient to use on a daily basis. You will have a great smoking experience by smoking convertible dab rigs. Moreover, convertible dab rigs are easier to clean just like many other bongs.
Here is our step by step guide for you:
Step 1: In the first place, make sure your nail is secured to the convertible bong (dab rig).
Step 2: Heat the nail by turning on the torch.
Step 3: Allow the nail to cool by letting the heat disperse throughout the nail.
Step 4: Deploy the dabber to apply the dab to the nail.
Step 5: Cover the carb cap, then inhale the dab. Afterward, exhale; do not inhale or exhale too quickly.
Step 6: Q-tip (clean) the nail in the end.