How Should You Pack Your Bowl To Get Maximum Results In Vancouver?

How Should You Pack Your Bowl To Get Maximum Results In Vancouver?

If you have ever used a bowl to smoke your cannabis, you know how crucial it is to pack a bowl that can give you the desired hits without making a mess. Depending on the size, you might need to alter your packing method to get the most out of each hit.

Each hit is different, and it all depends on how you pack your bowl. But it is much more complicated than that. Usually, what happens is that people tend to pack too tight without realizing it. The problem with this is that it will minimize the surface area that is in contact with the airflow, resulting in less smoke being pulled through. With each hit, you get less active ingredients and terpenes from your cannabis.

If you have ever encountered yourself packing a lousy bowl, today we are here to help you out!

Packing a good bowl aims to create an even surface area that will be in contact with the airflow. This will allow more smoke to be pulled through, giving you bigger and better hits. But more importantly, packing a good bowl helps you save on cannabis. Saving your cannabis is the ultimate if you ask us. You see, when you waste the weed, it shows that you don’t know how to smoke it properly. We are here to assist learn the process and save simultaneously.

Bowl Packing 101

You can pack your bowl to achieve this in a few different ways. The easiast way is by using what is called the “standard packing method.” To do this:

  1. Fill the bowl with cannabis until it is slightly over-packed.
  2. Use your fingers or any tool (like a poker) to press down and pack the cannabis.
  3. Compress it evenly, leaving no air pockets.

Another way to pack your bowl is by using the “crumble method.” For this, you will need to break your cannabis up into small pieces first. Then, fill the bowl with the crumbled cannabis and use your fingers or a tool to pack it down just like you would with the standard packing method.

Whichever packing method you choose, ensure you are not packing it too tight! This will minimize the surface area in contact with the airflow and decrease the amount of smoke pulled through with each hit.

What Is the Perfect Bowl of Weed?

Ask your old bowl smokers friends, and they will tell you what that is. By the perfect bowl of weed, it’s not just how it’s packed but how it will serve you. There are many methods to pack a bowl, but it all comes down to your preference. A perfect one refers to your smoking KPIs and how you want the hit. Most people will tell you that the perfect bowl of weed is when it’s packed just right so that it burns perfectly and evenly. Many factors play into this, such as how dry your weed is, how big or small your bowl is, and how much airflow you have going through it. All these factors play into how you will hit your bowl, so keep all of this in mind when packing your next one!

Some smokers like it chunky, but that sometimes messes up the entire stash, and they end up finishing it sooner than they wanted. Then some people like to grind their weed into a fine powder, which makes it easier to pack but can sometimes make the bowl too tight. It all comes down to finding that perfect middle ground where you’re getting good airflow and hits and not wasting any weed in the process.

Breaking Up Your Weed for Bowl Packing

Some accessories play an important role in packing a perfect bowl of weed. One of them is a grinder, which will help you break your weed into smaller pieces so that it packs more evenly. If you don’t have any grinder, you can always use your fingers to break it up. Make sure the weed pieces are small enough to fit into the bowl. You aim to make your weed small enough to help pack a bowl. The grinder is there to help you save time, depending on whether you want it or not.

Sometimes it is safer to use your hands, depending on the weed you use. Like if it is already in small size, your hands will do just fine, but if it is big and chunky, then the grinder will help you a lot.

How to Pack Your Bowl of Cannabis Efficiently

Suppose you have grounded your weed exactly what you wanted. No matter what you used, a grinder or your hands. The next step is crucial so pay attention. You need to fill your bowl with the weed but not pack it too tightly. If you do, the airflow will be restricted, and you won’t get good hits. So, what’s the perfect way?

The perfect way is to ensure space inside the bowl for the air to pass easily. That is the very first thing you need to focus on. If you pack it too much, you know how it ends up. Remember, you want to take great hits, not just good ones. If you want to take huge hits, you need to ensure there is enough space in the bowl for the air to pass through easily.

The second thing you need to focus on is how much weed you put inside the bowl. You don’t want to put too much or too little. The perfect amount is when you can still see the hole at the bottom. That means you have packed it right and are good to go!

How Much Weed Should You Use?

The answer to this question is not as simple as it looks. There are simple ways and complex ones, and if you are a smoker, you know that it depends on your mood to select the perfect way. It depends on a lot of things. Some pack their bowl to the top, which means they want a long session. The second category is the smoker who only packs half, meaning they want to smoke for a little while. The third category is insane, as filling past half will never do you any good. It is just wasting your weed. If you exactly want to know how much cannabis you should use, it all comes down to how long you want to smoke and how big your bowl is.

  • If you take smaller hits, you might buy a 10mm bowl
  • If you typically go for medium hits, a 14mm bowl might make the most sense for you
  • If you enjoy larger hits, an 18mm bowl may suit your needs best

Step By Step Guide

Grind your weed

Your first step is to fill your bowl with the weed, but make sure not to pack it too tightly. You want to be able to still see the hole at the bottom.

Load your weed into the bowl

Now that you’ve ground your weed, it’s time to load it into the bowl. Be sure not to pack it too tightly—you want some space for air to flow through easily.

Perform a quality check

Once you’ve loaded your weed into the bowl, take a quick look to ensure there’s still some space at the bottom, and the hole is still visible. If everything looks good, you’re ready to smoke!


We hope you enjoyed this quick guide on how to pack a bowl of cannabis. Remember, the key is to not pack it too tightly and to ensure that there’s still some space at the bottom for air to flow through easily. Always buy your products from a trusted online headshop like Shoprite Smoke Shop in Vancouver. If you are in search of any products like bongs, dab rigs, weed pipes, vaporizers etc. You name it, we have it. Contact us today.