How To Do A Cold Start Dab properly?

Cold Start Dab properly

People experienced in dabbing cannabis concentrates must know about the advantage of low-temperature dabbing, e.g., the enhanced flavour while dabbing.

You must have seen that it is usually done by pre-heating the nail and then placing the concentrates on it. Right?

However, when you talk about cold start dab, that’s not how it is pulled off. It works a little differently in Cold dabbing. In a cold start dab, you have to place the concentrates onto the nail and then slowly heat it with a blow torch instead of pre-heating the nail first.

This method is getting popular among the dabbing community. It is also known as “reverse dabbing,” or sometimes referred to as dabbing cold. It is not a new technique. This technique is used in health stone dabbing, in which they preload the concentrates onto the porous stone in a nail and slowly heat it. So, that isn’t something new, it was invented even before quarts nail, and the low temperature came into being. The cold start has done some innovation on this method to seem pleasing to today’s youth.

Are you interested to learn more about it?

Let’s dive into the details!

How to Cold start dab? 

For the best experience of cold dabbing, you need a nail. Banger works best. That’s because the banger has been built in a bucket design shape which allows the heat to be equally distributed, and that’s essential when you are doing the cold start technique. Regular quartz and ceramic banger will also work fine.

Now, if you have all the equipment ready, keep the concentrate onto the nail, but before doing that, make sure that you have cleaned the nail because you wouldn’t have a good experience if the nail was used previously and has residues on it from the last session.

Once ready with keeping the concentrate, cover the nail with the bubble cap and then heat the nail with a flame which could be a torch, and make sure to keep it some inches away from the nail. You have to heat it to the point when the concentrate starts to bubble and then turns into vapour. Usually, it takes 10 seconds or less for that to happen. Now, put the torch aside and take the hit. You can get few hits from just one cold start. It depends on the size of the dab and your lung capacity.

Quartz Insert for Cold-start dab 

Quartz inserts help increase the mass and surface area, so they will make your dabbing session much more enjoyable. Apart from that, it also helps to achieve the low-temperature dabs, and you wouldn’t have a difficult time cleaning the banger as you will be loading the concentrate onto the insert. So, you can use the quartz insert when doing the cold start dabbing. First, you have to keep the insert into the banger with the concentrates and cover it up with the carb cap on, then enjoy it by heating it.

However, the heating time wouldn’t be 10 seconds only because the insert would act as an additional thing, so it needs to be heated a little longer. Nevertheless, the benefits of using the quartz insert outweigh the bit of time needed to heat it.

Tips for beginners in cold start dabbing 

  • Make sure that you always clean the nail before starting dabbing. If it is not cleaned well, you won’t know when the concentrate changes into a bubble. As a result, you can overheat the banger. Therefore, the cold start dabbing purpose of low-temperature dabbing wouldn’t get fulfilled, and also, most of the concentrate would get wasted. It would be best to get a brand-new nail, but you can use the one you already have and clean it by immersing it in a mixture of water and isopropyl alcohol. Once clean, use it as you will.
  • When you are a newbie into cold start dabbing, don’t use a significant amount of concentrate onto the banger. Start with a small amount and see how it is working out for you. As they are not cheap, they might get wasted if something goes wrong.
  • If you want to get the quality hits, make sure you use the directional airflow carb cap.
  • Don’t forget to clean the nail when you are done with the session.

Benefits of Cold-start dabbing 

Cold start dabbing is perfect for those enthusiasts who would like to have a low-temperature flavorful hit. In this method, you wouldn’t have to keep waiting for the nail to cool down after every single hit. So, it is going to save time as well.

As you will be heating it at high temperature; therefore, your dab rig would not get broken or the residual buildup.

Cons of cold-start dabbing

One of the biggest disadvantages of cold-start dabbing is that there could be wastage of the concentrate after the hit, so you have to clean the banger every time you have completed dabbing because if you don’t, the residue will build up. The next time you do cold-start dabbing, it’ll ruin your experience. Secondly, you won’t have more than one dab in a session which can be annoying times. Sometimes you have your friends over, and you want to add more concentrates and do it for longer but can’t with cold start dabbing.


Cold-start dabbing is very simple for those who have been into dabbing for some time because there is just one single difference in cold-start dabbing. In cold-start dabbing, the concentrates are placed in the banger, and then it is heated instead of heating the nail and then placing the concentrate in the traditional dabbing method. Cold start dabbing has many advantages. For instance, it would help you to preserve the flavours of your concentrate. Also, if you are short of time, you can get a nice flavorful hit without the need to wait. However, there are some cons of it as well, but the pros outweigh the cons.

Contact us now to get the best dab rigs for cold start dabbing.