All You Need To Know About Terp Pearls in Dab Rigs

Need To Know About Terp Pearls in Dab Rigs

Terp pearl is an add-on accessory for enhancing the dabbing experience. Getting a low temp dab is what we all aim for to preserve the terpene. The tiny pearl-like balls would help you achieve that.

The world of dabbing is evolving so fast, and new things are coming in all the time. Terp pearl is one of the fascinating addition to the world of dabbing.

Are you interested in finding out more about the details of the Terp pearls?

Let’s dive into it!

What are terp pearls?

Terp pearls are also known as dab pearl or terp balls. They are little pearl-like balls that are placed inside the banger, and it spins in it when dabbing. It helps in the distribution of the heat evenly and also disperse the concentrates for a better hit. Generally, they come in 4-6mm of thickness and are mostly made up of quartz, borosilicate glass, and ruby.

Benefits of the Terp pearls

If you are into dabbing and you want to experience a huge and more flavorful hit, then you need terp pearls for it. Terp pearls help increase the dab rig’s functionality so that you get great hits from it. You have been trying to get the low-temperature hits to maintain the flow of your concentrate, but you are unable to do so; you have to get terp pearls, and you will achieve your desired results. It’s a lot easier to get the low-temperature dabbing with the help of terp pearls. As a result, you wouldn’t have to think about the banger getting too cold even before the oil is vaporized.

We know that you hate it when the residue remains at the bottom of the banger because the oil didn’t get vaporized. However, this problem would be solved with terp pearls.

How to use the terp pearls

Those new to using the terp pearls are confused about whether they should keep the terp pearl before heating or after. Well, the answer is that it is all up to your preference. However, it is commonly observed that the banger is heated with the terp pearls inside. So the sequence goes like this:

  1. Place the pearl ball inside the banger.
  2. Heat it.
  3. Now, cool it to the temperature you prefer.
  4. Place the concentrates.
  5. Cover it with the carb cap
  6. Finally, inhale and see the motion of the terp pearls.

Cleaning the Terp pearls   

You have to clean the term pearls to avoid the change in the experience of the hit, or they might not move around correctly. After the dabbing session, you have to clean the banger and the terp pearl with the help of a q-tip.


Now you are familiar with the terp pearls, and you might have understood the ins and outs of the terp pearls. You have to give it a try and experience it yourself to see how amazing it is. You can always refer back to this article if you have any confusion regarding the terp pearls.

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