10 Accessories You Need for Smoking Weed: The Complete Guide

10 Accessories You Need for Smoking Weed: The Complete Guide

If you’re looking to buy a new bong, you might be wondering what accessories you need. There are many different types of bongs and accessories available on the market, so it can be tricky to know which ones are right for you. In this article, we will discuss the 10 most common accessories that smokers use when smoking weed. We’ll talk about each one in detail and give you some tips on how to choose the right one for you!

1. The Right Device

When smoking weed, the first thing you need to consider is what kind of device you want to use. There are many different types of bongs and pipes available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. We recommend starting with a simple pipe or bong if you’re new to smoking. These devices are easy to use and don’t require any special accessories.

  • Pipes
  • Bongs
  • Vapes
  • Dab Rigs

There are many different types of weed-smoking devices, but the most common ones are pipes, bongs, vapes, and dab rigs. Pipes are the simplest type of device and can be made from various materials. Bongs are similar to pipes, but they use water to filter the smoke. Vapes are electronic devices that heat up weed and produce a smooth vapour. Dab rigs are specialized devices used to smoke concentrated forms of cannabis. Rolling papers are used to roll joints or blunts.

How to Choose the Right Weed Smoking Device?

Now that you know about the different types of weed-smoking devices, it’s time to learn how to choose the right one for you. The first thing you need to consider is what type of smoker you are. We recommend starting with a simple pipe or bong if you’re a beginner. These devices are easy to use and don’t require any special accessories. If you’re a more experienced smoker, you might want to try a bong or dab rig. These devices offer a smoother smoking experience and can provide more intense effects. Rolling papers are also good for experienced smokers who want to roll their own joints or blunts.

No matter what type of smoker you are, there’s a weed smoking device that’s perfect for you! So, don’t be afraid to experiment and find the one that works best.

2. Pipe Screens

One of the most common accessories that smokers use is pipe screens. Pipe screens help keep your pipe clean and prevent ash from getting into your mouth. They also help cool down the smoke, making it easier on your lungs. When choosing pipe screens, it’s important to choose the right size for your specific pipe. You can find pipe screens at most smoke shops or online.

3. Bowl Pieces

Another common accessory for bongs and pipes is a bowl piece. Bowl pieces hold the cannabis in your device while you’re smoking. They come in different sizes and shapes, so it’s important to choose one that fits your specific needs. You can find bowl pieces at most smoke shops or online retailers.

4. Downstems

Downstems are another essential accessory for bongs and pipes. Downstems help to filter the smoke and give you a smoother hit. They also come in different sizes and shapes, so it’s important to choose one that fits your specific device. You can find downstems at most smoke shops or online retailers.

5. Cleaning Supplies

Cleaning your bong or pipe is important to keep it functioning properly after smoking weed. Many different cleaning supplies are available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. We recommend using a simple cleaning solution and a soft brush. You can find cleaning supplies at most smoke shops or online retailers.

6. Lighter

You will also need a lighter to smoke your weed. There are many different types of lighters available, so it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. If you’re looking for a durable lighter, we recommend using a butane lighter. You can find lighters at most smoke shops or online retailers.

7. Storage Jar

Once you’ve smoked your weed, you’ll need somewhere to store it. We recommend using an airtight storage jar to keep your cannabis fresh. You can find storage jars at most smoke shops or online retailers.

There are many different types of weed storage jars available, so it’s important to choose the right one for your needs. We recommend using an airtight storage jar to keep your cannabis fresh. You can find storage jars at most smoke shops or online retailers.

Airtight Weed Storage Jars

Airtight weed storage jars are perfect for keeping your cannabis fresh. These jars have a tight seal that prevents oxygen and light from entering. This helps to keep your weed fresh and potent for longer. You can find airtight weed storage jars at most smoke shops or online retailers.

Child-Proof Weed Storage Jars

Child-proof weed storage jars are another great option for storing your cannabis. These jars have a child-resistant lid that makes it difficult for children to open. This is a great option if you have kids in the house or if you’re worried about them getting into your weed. You can find child-proof weed storage jars at most smoke shops or online retailers.

Odour-proof Weed Storage Jars

Odour-proof weed storage jars are perfect for keeping your cannabis fresh and smelling great. These jars have a tight seal that prevents odours from escaping. This is a great option if you’re worried about the smell of your weed being detectable. You can find odour-proof weed storage jars at most smoke shops or online retailers.

8. Grinder

If you’re planning on smoking weed, you’ll need a grinder. Grinders help break down the cannabis so that it’s easier to smoke. They also come in handy for storing your weed. When choosing a grinder, it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. You can find grinders at most smoke shops or online retailers.

9. Ashtray

You will also need an ashtray to catch the ashes from your weed. You can find ashtrays at most smoke shops or online retailers. Ashtrays come in many different styles, so it’s important to choose one that suits your needs.

10. Eye Drops

Eye drops are a must-have when smoking weed. They help keep your eyes hydrated and prevent them from getting red and irritated. You can find eye drops at most drug stores or online retailers.

Final Words

These are just a few of the many accessories available for smoking weed. With so many options available, it’s important to choose the right accessories.

Now that you know the basics of bong accessories, it’s time to start shopping! Be sure to check out our online bong store for all of your smoking needs. We carry a wide selection of bongs, pipes, and accessories from around the world!

Thanks for reading, and happy smoking!