What You Should Know About Dab Nails in Vancouver

What You Should Know About Dab Nails in Vancouver

Dab nails are an important part of the dabbing experience. Without a good nail, you will not be able to enjoy your dabs properly. There are a lot of different nails on the market, made from different materials and with different designs. So, how do you know which one is right for you?

In this ultimate guide to dab nails, we’ll cover everything you need to know about these important accessories. We’ll start by discussing the different types of dab nails available. Then, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of each type of nail so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Types of Dab Nails

There are two main types of dab nails: quartz and titanium. Each type of nail has its advantages and disadvantages.

Quartz Nails

These nails are made from, you guessed it, quartz. Quartz is a very durable material, so quartz nails are built to last. They’re also known for providing great flavour because they don’t affect the taste of your dab like some other materials.

The main disadvantage of quartz nails is that they require more heat than titanium nails. This means that you’ll need to use a torch to heat them up, which can be a bit of a hassle. Quartz nails also tend to break more easily than titanium nails, so you’ll need to be careful with them.

Titanium Nails

These nails are made from, you guessed it, titanium. Titanium is a very strong material, so titanium nails are built to last. They’re also known for being very easy to clean because they don’t absorb oils as some other materials can.

The main disadvantage of titanium nails is that they require less heat than quartz nails. This means you won’t need to use a torch to heat them up, which can be convenient. Titanium nails also tend to be more expensive than quartz nails.

Pros and Cons of Different Nail Materials

Now that you know about the different types of dab nails available let’s talk about the pros and cons of each type of nail so that you can make an informed decision about which one is right for you.

Quartz Nails


  • Durable
  • Great flavour
  • Don’t affect the taste of your dab


  • Require more heat
  • break more easily

Titanium Nails


  • Strong
  • Easy to clean
  • Don’t absorb oils


  • Require less heat
  • More expensive

Other Types of Dab Nails

Some other types of dab nails include:

Thermal Bangers

Thermal bangers are made from quartz or titanium and have a hollow core. The hollow core is designed to hold heat better, so your dab stays hot longer. Thermal bangers also tend to provide better flavour because the heat is more evenly distributed.

The main disadvantage of thermal bangers is that they’re more expensive than other types of nails. They’re also not as widely available as other types of nails.

Honey Bucket Nails

Honey bucket nails are made from quartz or titanium and have a small cup designed to hold your dab. The cup prevents your dab from making contact with the nail, which helps to preserve the flavour.

The main disadvantage of honey bucket nails is that they can be difficult to clean. The small cup can be hard to reach, and it’s easy for oil to get trapped in there.


E-nails are electronic devices that heat your nail for you. They’re very convenient because you don’t have to use a torch, but they can be expensive. E-nails are also not as widely available as other types of nails.

Domeless Nails

Domeless nails are similar to regular nails but don’t have a dome attached. This means you don’t need to use a dome with them, which can be convenient. Domeless nails are also more widely available than regular nails.

The main disadvantage of domeless nails is that they tend to be more expensive than regular nails. They’re also not as widely available as regular nails.

How to Choose the Right Nail for You

Now that you know about the different types of dab nails available, it’s time to talk about choosing the right nail for you. You’ll need to consider a few things before making your decision.

First, consider the material you want your nail to be made from. Quartz and titanium are the most popular options, but there are other materials out there as well. Each type of material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so choose the one that best fits your needs.

Second, consider what size nail you need. Nails come in various sizes, so you’ll need to ensure you get one that’s the right size for your dab rig. If you’re unsure what size you need, just ask one of our experts, and they’ll be happy to help you.

Third, think about what shape nail you want. Nails come in various shapes, so you’ll need to choose the one that best fits your needs. The most popular shapes are round, square, and teardrop, but there are other options out there as well.

Fourth, think about what style of nail you want. Nails come in a variety of styles, so you’ll need to choose the one that best fits your needs. The most popular styles are domeless and banger, but there are other options out there as well.

Fifth, think about where you’ll buy the nail from. You can go to a brick and mortar store, but if you want the variety and quality, you’ll head on to an online smoke shop in Vancouver. They have affordable prices, doorstep delivery, and a wider variety.

Finally, think about what price you’re willing to pay for your nail. Nails vary widely in price, so you’ll need to choose the one that fits your budget. If you’re not sure how much you should be paying, just ask one of our experts, and they’ll be happy to help you out.

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Bottom Line

There are a lot of things to consider when choosing a dab nail, but the most important thing is to choose the one that best fits your needs. Take your time and think about what you want before making your purchase. And if you’re ever unsure about anything, just ask one of our experts, and they’ll be happy to help you out.